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Apa Rasanya Ketabrak Kereta?

Apa Rasanya Ketabrak Kereta?

--- Tanyakan pertanyaan aneh anda di sini! NGGA ada pertanyaan yang bodoh! 'Kok Bisa' ngga cuma sekedar mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terlihat bodoh, aneh dan dungu di sini, tapi juga mencoba menumbuhkan rasa keingintahuan anda terhadap segala hal di dunia ini. Jadi, tunggu apalagi? Ayo subscribe, let's watch the videos and go curiosity! --- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): Q: Min, upload tiap hari apa? A: Tiap hari Rabu dan Sabtu. Tapi kadang-kadang ada video yang butuh waktu pembuatan lebih lama. So, stay tuned! Q: Min, animasinya pake software apa? A: Adobe After Effects Q: MIN, KENAPA DI VIDEONYA ADA BAKSONYA TERUS!? A: Bakso is inspiration *wink --- 📺 Follow Kok Bisa Website: (📝 artikel mendalam seru tiap 2 minggu) Discord: (💬 ngobrol seru sesama pencinta sains) Instagram: (🖼️ infografik baru tiap hari) TikTok: (📱 video singkat seru) Twitter: (📞 diskusi di space tiap 2 minggu) --- For business inquiries: --- References: Anderson, K. (2011, Feb 26). Experience: I was run over by a freight train [Online]. The Guardian. Retrieved July 9, 2024 from Graney, C. M. (2013). Mass, speed, direction: John Buridan's 14th-century concept of momentum. The Physics Teacher, 51(7), 411-414. Graziosi, G. (2021, Aug 23). Man reveals what it’s like to be hit by NYC subway train [Online]. The Independent. Retrieved July 9, 2024 from Labossiere, Patrick . (2024). Experience: I was hit by a subway train – but have no memory of it. The Guardian. National Safety Council. (2022). Railroad Deaths and Injuries [Online]. NSC. Retrieved July 9, 2024 from Simons, J. W., & Kirkpatrick, S. W. (1999). High-speed passenger train crashworthiness and occupant survivability. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 4(2), 121-132. --- A massive THANK YOU to everyone for watching this and for all of your support!
Seberapa Akurat Tes MBTI Sebenarnya?

Seberapa Akurat Tes MBTI Sebenarnya?

--- Tanyakan pertanyaan aneh anda di sini! NGGA ada pertanyaan yang bodoh! 'Kok Bisa' ngga cuma sekedar mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terlihat bodoh, aneh dan dungu di sini, tapi juga mencoba menumbuhkan rasa keingintahuan anda terhadap segala hal di dunia ini. Jadi, tunggu apalagi? Ayo subscribe, let's watch the videos and go curiosity! --- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): Q: Min, upload tiap hari apa? A: Tiap hari Rabu dan Sabtu. Tapi kadang-kadang ada video yang butuh waktu pembuatan lebih lama. So, stay tuned! Q: Min, animasinya pake software apa? A: Adobe After Effects Q: MIN, KENAPA DI VIDEONYA ADA BAKSONYA TERUS!? A: Bakso is inspiration *wink --- 📺 Follow Kok Bisa Website: (📝 artikel mendalam seru tiap 2 minggu) Discord: (💬 ngobrol seru sesama pencinta sains) Instagram: (🖼️ infografik baru tiap hari) TikTok: (📱 video singkat seru) Twitter: (📞 diskusi di space tiap 2 minggu) --- For business inquiries: --- References: Big 5 personality traits. (n.d.). Retrieved from Gholipour, B. (2019). How accurate is the Myers-briggs personality test? Retrieved from Gordon, A. M. (2020). In defense of the Myers-briggs. Retrieved from Haupt, A. (2024). Are personality tests actually useful? Retrieved from Lim, A. (2023). Big 5 personality traits: The 5-factor model of personality. Retrieved from Macabasco, L. W. (2021). “They become dangerous tools”: The dark side of personality tests. Retrieved from Stromberg, J., & Caswell, E. (2014). Why the Myers-briggs test is totally meaningless. Retrieved from Volpe, A. (2023). A personality test can’t tell you who you are. Retrieved from Westerhoff, N. (2024). The “big five” personality traits. Retrieved from Whalley, L. (2024). IQ tests: The danger of reading too much into them – and the crucial cognitive skills they don’t measure. Retrieved from --- A massive THANK YOU to everyone for watching this and for all of your support!
Apa Jadinya Jika Kita Cuma Makan Daging?

Apa Jadinya Jika Kita Cuma Makan Daging?

Banyak dari kita yang doyan makan daging, bahkan sampe ngabisin berpiring-piring sekali makan~ Daan ya, daging emang ngandung banyak protein yang bagus buat kesehatan tubuh, termasuk buat numbuhin otot yang kuat. Tapiii apa jadinya kalau kita cuma makan daging? Apakah kita bakal makin sehat? Enjoy the video! Halo Bakso Lovers! 👋🏻 Mimin mau ngabarin kalo ada kesalahan di menit 1:51. Di situ, mimin nulisin nama orangnya Jordan Peterson, padahal harusnya Adam Gabbatt — yang ngikutin diet ala Jordan Peterson. Mohon maaf atas kekeliruannya, dan jangan bosen buat ngingetin mimin kalo sampai ngelakuin kesalahan lagi, ya! Thanks for watching, and stay curious! --- Tanyakan pertanyaan aneh anda di sini! NGGA ada pertanyaan yang bodoh! 'Kok Bisa' ngga cuma sekedar mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terlihat bodoh, aneh dan dungu di sini, tapi juga mencoba menumbuhkan rasa keingintahuan anda terhadap segala hal di dunia ini. Jadi, tunggu apalagi? Ayo subscribe, let's watch the videos and go curiosity! --- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): Q: Min, upload tiap hari apa? A: Tiap hari Rabu dan Sabtu. Tapi kadang-kadang ada video yang butuh waktu pembuatan lebih lama. So, stay tuned! Q: Min, animasinya pake software apa? A: Adobe After Effects Q: MIN, KENAPA DI VIDEONYA ADA BAKSONYA TERUS!? A: Bakso is inspiration *wink --- 📺 Follow Kok Bisa Website: (📝 artikel mendalam seru tiap 2 minggu) Discord: (💬 ngobrol seru sesama pencinta sains) Instagram: (🖼️ infografik baru tiap hari) TikTok: (📱 video singkat seru) Twitter: (📞 diskusi di space tiap 2 minggu) --- For business inquiries: --- References: Crippa, M., et al. (2021). Food systems are responsible for a third of global anthropogenic GHG emissions. Nature Food, 2(3), 198–209. Gabbatt, A. (2018). My carnivore diet: what I learned from eating only beef, salt and water. The Guardian. Ge, L., Sadeghirad, et al. (2020). Comparison of dietary macronutrient patterns of 14 popular named dietary programmes for weight and cardiovascular risk factor reduction in adults: systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised trials. BMJ. Global Carbon Project (GCP). (n.d.). GCP - Carbon Budget. Griffith News. (2024). Griffith News - News and Events from Griffith University. Heggie, J. (2019). The future of livestock farming. Science. Hochwald, L. (2024). What is the carnivore diet? benefits, food list and more. Forbes Health. How much meat should you eat on a carnivore diet? (n.d.). Wild Foods. Jiang, K. (n.d.). Does the ‘carnivore diet’ work? Here’s what eating only meat does to your body. Toronto Star. Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell. (2019). Is meat bad for you? Is meat unhealthy? [Video]. YouTube. Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell. (2021). Is Meat Really that Bad? [Video]. YouTube. Ld, L. S. M. R. (2024). All you need to know about the carnivore (All-Meat) diet. Healthline. Ld, S. S. M. R. (2023). 20 foods to eat on the keto diet. Healthline. New FAO report maps pathways towards lower livestock emissions. (2023). Newsroom. Pahlevi, R. (2022). Hewan Ternak Mana yang Hasilkan Paling Banyak Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca. Katadata. Pinkerton, D. (2023). Connections: How now Beef cow? | BioCycle. BioCycle. Rd, J. K. (2023). What is the carnivore diet? Health. Ritchie, H., Rosado, P., & Roser, M. (2023). CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Our World in Data. Stock, K. (2022). The Carnivore Diet - Symptoms and cures - Meat Health. Meat Health. The Breakthrough Institute. (2023). Livestock don’t contribute 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The Breakthrough Institute. Whitton, C., et al. (n.d.). How much meat do we eat? New figures show 6 countries have hit their peak. The Conversation. Williams, A. C., & Hill, L. J. (2017). Meat and nicotinamide: A causal role in human evolution, history, and demographics. International Journal of Tryptophan Research, 10. World Health Organization: WHO. (2020). Healthy diet. --- A massive THANK YOU to everyone for watching this and for all of your support!
Jemput Kobi dan Sasa ke Rumah Kalian!

Jemput Kobi dan Sasa ke Rumah Kalian!

Pengen dapetin Kobi dan Sasa versi saku? Atau lebih pengen hoodie luar angkasa? Atau bahkan pengen borong semua merch Kok Bisa? Jemput mereka di pameran Kok Bisa bersama Senyawa+! 🌌 Kok Bisa Time Travel Experience 📌 Senyawa+ Space, Jl. Raden Saleh Raya No.46A, Cikini, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 🗓️ 13 Juli — 13 Agustus 2024 --- Tanyakan pertanyaan aneh anda di sini! NGGA ada pertanyaan yang bodoh! 'Kok Bisa' ngga cuma sekedar mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terlihat bodoh, aneh dan dungu di sini, tapi juga mencoba menumbuhkan rasa keingintahuan anda terhadap segala hal di dunia ini. Jadi, tunggu apalagi? Ayo subscribe, let's watch the videos and go curiosity! --- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): Q: Min, upload tiap hari apa? A: Tiap hari Rabu dan Sabtu. Tapi kadang-kadang ada video yang butuh waktu pembuatan lebih lama. So, stay tuned! Q: Min, animasinya pake software apa? A: Adobe After Effects Q: MIN, KENAPA DI VIDEONYA ADA BAKSONYA TERUS!? A: Bakso is inspiration *wink --- 📺 Follow Kok Bisa Website: (📝 artikel mendalam seru tiap 2 minggu) Discord: (💬 ngobrol seru sesama pencinta sains) Instagram: (🖼️ infografik baru tiap hari) TikTok: (📱 video singkat seru) Twitter: (📞 diskusi di space tiap 2 minggu) --- For business inquiries: --- References: --- A massive THANK YOU to everyone for watching this and for all of your support!
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