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Ethan Gonzalez
Ethan Gonzalez

Rumble Quest Script Super *OP* Script Hydro...

(Upon talking to the girl by the community center.)Girl: Wow, you're that SOLDIER, right? Can I ask you a super important question? I heard bad people broke the mako reactor and there's gonna be another war 'cause of it. Is that true?

Rumble Quest Script | Super *OP* Script | Hydro...

Madam M: No, but you might. Corneo's men are searching high and low for an Avalanche member who fits your description. Shinra has placed a very impressive bounty on you and your friends' heads. And a lot of people are looking to get rich.

Guide: In the distant past, our planet was home to a people we call the Ancients. Many millennia before we discovered mako, these precursors were already pioneering its use. Somehow they learned of the great reservoir of energy pulsing beneath their feet. And once they had...the Ancients developed the means to harness this bountiful energy and bend it to their will. The fruits of their labors have survived to this very day in the form of certain kinds of materia. Their scripture, too, has endured: "We who are born of the planet, with her we speak. Her flesh we shape." "Unto her promised land shall we one day return. By her loving grace and providence may we take our place in paradise."

Another possible solution is to install AutoHotKey and set up a shortcut to send the tilde key code the game is expecting. Add the following lines to your AutoHotKey script and it will map F12 to grave accent (`) and Shift+F12 to tilde (). (The grave accent key is the same physical key as tilde on US English keyboards.)

Note: God mode will not protect you from scripted damage, such as that from lightning in the Soul Cairn, or damaging light or darkness in Twilight Sepulcher and Apocrypha, respectively. It also will not prevent you from contracting a disease.

In the introduction to his new book, In the Past Lane, Michael Kammen, the Newton C. Farr Professor of American History and Culture at Cornell University, tells the story of a chair. "In 1928 two artisans were asked to repair the official yet well-used president's chair at Cornell University. In the small circular space behind a medallion displaying the carved bust of Ezra Cornell (located at the top of the chair, on the back), they discovered a closely folded slip of paper wrapped in tinfoil and tied with coarse thread. Translated from German, a single didactic sentence, written in script in 1868 when Cornell opened its doors to students, declared: 'Go out into the world and testify to what is born, even in prison walls, from strength, from patience, and from loving toil.' The chair had been built on commission in a Prussian jail."

A second priority has been making debugging in Debug Mode better. Even though 3.2.0 added a lot of features to Debug Mode, I've tried to improve other parts of the debugging workflow in 3.3.0. The big feature in this respect is the new Replay system, which allows both error messages and successful Harlowe macro calls to be examined and 'replayed', to better understand how Harlowe understood and computed them. If a macro deep inside an expression returned a value you didn't expect it to, this can help you dig down and discover the discrepancy for yourself. In addition, 3.3.0 mostly eliminates the "Javascript error message" and adds new error messages for basic syntax errors, which had always been a blemish on Harlowe's user experience.

At its core, Harlowe's language is designed to assist authors with no familiarity with HTML, Javascript or CSS. Rather than requiring knowledge of all three languages, Harlowe provides a single language that fulfills the basic needs of all three and whose parts seamlessly integrate.

Use layout syntax, such as columns and aligners, to provide structure and composition to your prose. Harlowe contains special values that represent one or more CSS styles bundled together for convenience. Attach them to single runs of prose to provide the equivalent of inline styles, or use variables or the (change:) or (enchant:) macros to globally affect certain labeled structures. Harlowe's coding language, inside macro calls, smooths over the pitfalls and discrepancies of Javascript - better type-checking and clearer syntax prevents obvious datatype bugs like 1 + "1", 1 == "1" or if (a = 1), more plentiful error messages replace silent failures and junk values like NaN or undefined, different data structures each use the same setting, getting and checking syntax, and the styling datatypes are easily handled alongside other data. Styles can be combined by simply adding them together, for instance, and computed based on the current game state.

Though, if you already have HTML, Javascript or CSS experience, and would prefer to leverage that experience as you create, you may wish to use SugarCube instead, which provides more direct access to the page's HTML elements and to the Javascript language.

Don't let the preceding sections lead you to believe Harlowe is narrowly limited as a programming environment. Despite crafting Harlowe as a language apart from Javascript, I've nonetheless equipped it with tools and utilities to handle dense data manipulation. A wide collection of conversion macros and syntactic structures exist to convert and manipulate arrays, strings, and maps, including a lambda syntax, and the (macro:) macro lets you sculpt a personal sub-language within Harlowe. In addition, the Debug Mode gives you a live view of variables, styles, and game state as the story progresses. While these are not meant to be immediately useful to the first-time author, one who has grown more ambitious in their time with Harlowe may call upon them to make more computationally complicated stories, such as basic role-playing games. As you grow in programming confidence, Harlowe can follow you.

For a general introduction to hooks, see their respective markup description. Named hooks are a less common type ofhook that offer unique benefits. To produce one, attach a "nametag" to the front or back, similar to how a macro callwould be attached:

No Harlowe internal methods and modules are currently accessible inside scripts. However, jQuery 3.6 may be accessed from the $ global variable. This is a third-party library that Harlowe uses internallyand whose code is included in every compiled story, and is not retrieved via CDN or any online connections.

As of Harlowe 3.3.0, elements are run while Harlowe runs the macros and expressions in a passage. Thus, if a macro or hook is before the tag in the passage, it will be run beforehand,and if a macro or hook is after it, it will be run after it. To defer the execution of Javascript code until the passage is fully rendered or run, consider using a setTimeout callback.

As of Harlowe 3.3.0, Javascript code in elements (that is, without a src attribute) has access to Harlowe variables - both story-wide variables that begin with $, and temporary (temp) variablesthat begin with _ which are visible in the same hook as the element. Harlowe variables are accessed by writing the Harlowe variable name as if it were a Javascript variable.Valid Harlowe variable names are also coincidentally valid Javascript names, so there's no need to escape or modify them. Assigning to these names will immediately update the Harlowe variable, if possible.

To eliminate any confusion: These names are not Javascript variables, or even global window properties, but object getters and setters added to the script's scope using a with statement.These names do not pollute or overwrite the global scope (although they shadow any global variables with the same names, such as window.$arr being shadowed by a Harlowe variable $arr), andremain accessible and current even inside a callback created within the script. Moreover, even though these names are created using a with statement, it is still possible to optinto Javascript's "strict mode" by placing the "use strict" pragma at the start of the script.

If "strict mode" is not enabled for the script, an error will not occur if you attempt to assign to a Harlowe variable that doesn't exist, such as by writing $arr = [] - instead, a globalJavascript variable will be created.

Harlowe is not meant to be a story format that you write using Javascript instead of its own language, and I have taken great care in designing it such that authors are not rewarded for knowing how to write Javascript.The element feature is intended solely to complement existing Harlowe code, by allowing small samples of Javascript to minimally interact with it. As such, I recommend using it sparingly and judiciously.That being said, feel free to use this feature in any way you wish, as long as you understand whether your usage lines up with its purpose and intent.

It is capable of printing things which (str:) cannot convert to a string,such as changers - but these will usually become bare descriptivetext like [A (font: ) command]. You may find this useful for debugging purposes.

Suppose you have a section of code or source that you need to include in several differentpassages. It could be a status display, or a few lines of descriptive text. Instead ofmanually copy-pasting it into each passage, consider placing it all by itself in another passage,and using (display:) to place it in every passage. This gives you a lot of flexibility: you can,for instance, change the code throughout the story by just editing the displayed passage.

The only types that this will return are "general" types, like string, number, boolean and such. More specific typeslike even, or descriptive types like empty, will not be returned, even if it's given a value that matches those types. Nor willspread datatypes be returned - even if a given string consists only of, say, digits, then ...digits won't be returned instead of str.

This can be thought of as the opposite of (all-pass:): it produces true if every value, when given to the lambda, never evaluated to true.If zero values are given to (none-pass:), then it will return true by default, just like (all-pass:).For more information, consult the description of (all-pass:). 041b061a72


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