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Ethan Gonzalez
Ethan Gonzalez

Moebius: Empire Rising Free Full PATCHED Game Download

I did not cauterise the place that was wounded, because it was so near the ligaments and nerveous parts; besides, I had no great opinion of its successfulness, for the venome having diffused it self so far, could receive no stop by such a cautery: I add, that when Baccius had so cauterised his Apothecary, who was bit in the Thumb,Andr. Bacc [...]u [...] de venenis, pag. 16. and that within half an hour after the bite, notwithstanding that, he fell into most virulent vomitings, and other dangerous symptomes, and had in all likelihood died, had not he been carefully attended and followed with Antidotes forty dayes: Whatsoever is said of such cauterising, it strengthens the part, hinders afflux of humours, and their efflux also, whereby the venome is continued in the Body; but 'tis our intention to evacuate it by the place bitten, as every man knows.

Moebius: Empire Rising Free Full Game Download



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