Beginning C 17 From Novice To Professional ((NEW))
Professional C++ is the advanced manual for C++ programming. This book does a good job of exploring the language in breadth, all the way from the ancient C preprocessor directives to esoteric features such as placement new. It is designed to help experienced developers get more out of the latest release, this book skims over the basics and dives right in to exploiting the full capabilities of C++17. Each feature is explained by example. It is an everyday book for programmers and professionals.
Beginning C 17 From Novice to Professional
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C++17 is a leading update to the language and brings many interesting additions and improvements that will change your pre for the better. This book shows you all of the considerable changes in the latest Standard. The book is a professional edition written for people who are already familiar with C++11/14. The book is especially designed for people who want to extend their skills with new features and tools coming from new standards in C++17/20. The content is clear and focused with examples to demonstrate every C++17 feature discussed in the book. The book is flowing and easy to read cover to cover as well as a reference. Lots of useful examples and it is organized very well. It is strongly recommended!
This 2nd edition book goes by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standards and specifies the basic concept of C programming language. Written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, elaborates the concept of OOPS and basic fundamentals of writing C language. This book is suitable for both beginner and advanced levels programmers and the best part about this book is one can learn all the concepts right from the beginning including functions and loops, libraries, data structure, etc. While practicing with this book, one can also solve different exercises like error correction, and modifications in the existing codes which will enhance the conceptual understanding and knowledge.
This book is perfect for those who are looking to master their skill or learn about the C++ language. This book introduces all the libraries of C++ along with the functions. Since this is the fifth edition book, it comes with refreshed content for the new version of C++ and the examples you may find in this book is much advanced and relevant for both advanced and beginners level of student or working professional. Written by Stanley Lippman, Josee Lajoie, and Barbara Moo, and was published back in 2012. This book can be a good choice for understanding C++ right from the root.
Nine previously untrained health professionals learned to measure cardiac output (Qt) by suprasternal continuous-wave Doppler ultrasound (QtDopp) and by thoracic bioimpedance (Qtbi). Each received standardized written, videotaped, and individual instruction. First the novice, then the reference examiner, measured QtDopp or Qtbi in triplicate in an adult male subject. The reference examiner was blind to the novice measurements and the novice was not informed of the reference measurements. Each novice repeatedly measured QtDopp or Qtbi in different subjects until the mean novice QtDopp or Qtbi was within 10% of the corresponding mean reference measurement in three of four consecutive subjects. The novice observers required an average of 12.9 +/- 3.5 trials to learn to measure QtDopp, and an average of 8.4 +/- 4.5 trials to learn to measure Qtbi. The likelihood of novice agreement with the reference improved with experience. The same degree of intraobserver variability as reported for Qt measured by thermodilution (coefficient of variance less than or equal to 10%) was achieved with Qtbi in 150 (99%) of 152 triplicate measurements and QtDopp in 216 (97%) of 222 triplicate measurements. More importantly, interobserver agreement (within 10%) was achieved with both Qtbi and QtDopp. Reproducible noninvasive Qt measurement will allow these techniques to be used to monitor trend changes in Qt.
Corbell, K. A., Osborne, J., & Reiman, A. J. (2010). Supporting and retaining beginning teachers: A validitystudy of the perceptions of success inventory for beginning teachers. Educational Research and Evaluation,16(1), 75-96. =EJ880492From the abstract: In the United States, 50% of beginning teachers leave the classroom in their first 5 years ofteaching (Ingersoll & Smith, 2004). This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Perceptions ofSuccess Inventory for Beginning Teachers (PSI-BT), an instrument that can be used to make informed decisions forimproving induction programs and ultimately to retain beginning teachers. The PSI-BT assessed factors thatcontribute to beginning teachers' perceptions of success as well as beginning teacher retention. An extensiveliterature review, expert opinions, and confirmatory factor analysis established the construct validity of thePSI-BT. Structural equation modeling analyses determined the factors that predicted beginning teachersatisfaction, commitment, retention intentions, and retention. When used to inform targeted professionaldevelopment and support, we believe this instrument can help school districts improve retention andeffectiveness of beginning teachers. (Contains 4 notes, 3 tables, and 5 figures.)
Glazerman, S., Isenberg, E., Dolfin, S., Bleeker, M., Johnson, A., Grider, M.,& Jacobus, M. (2010). Impacts ofcomprehensive teacher induction: Final results from a randomized controlled study (NCEE 2010-4028). Washington,DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S.Department of Education. =ED565837From the abstract: In 2004, the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences contracted withMathematica Policy Research to conduct a large-scale evaluation of comprehensive teacher induction. The purposeof the study was to determine whether augmenting the set of services districts usually provide to supportbeginning teachers with a more comprehensive program improves teacher and student outcomes. This is the study'sthird and final report on the program's impacts. This report compares retention, achievement, and classroompractices of teachers who were offered comprehensive induction services to teachers who were offered the supportnormally offered by the school. Teachers assigned to receive comprehensive induction for either one or two yearswere supported by a full-time mentor who received ongoing training and materials to support the teachers'development. The teachers also were offered monthly professional development sessions and opportunities toobserve veteran teachers. The teachers were followed for three years. Data was collected from 1,009 beginningteachers in 418 schools in 17 districts. Districts included in the study were not already offering comprehensiveinduction services, including paying for full-time mentors. Novice teachers in approximately half of the schoolswere assigned by lottery to receive comprehensive induction services. In 10 of the districts, these teacherswere provided one year of comprehensive induction services; in the remaining 7 districts, the teachers wereprovided two years of services. Teachers in the schools not assigned to receive comprehensive induction serviceswere provided the support normally offered to novice teachers by the school. Teacher practices were measured viaclassroom observations conducted in the spring of 2006. Data on teacher retention were collected via surveysadministered in the fall of 2006, 2007, and 2008. Student test scores were collected from districtadministrative records for the 2005-06, 2006-07, and 2007-08 school years. Key findings include: (1) During thecomprehensive induction program, treatment teachers received more support than control teachers; (2) The extrainduction support for treatment teachers did not translate into impacts on classroom practices in the firstyear; (3) For teachers who received one year of comprehensive induction, there was no impact on studentachievement; (4) For teachers who received two years of comprehensive induction, there was no impact on studentachievement in the first two years. In the third year, there was a positive and statistically significant impacton student achievement; and (5) Neither exposure to one year nor exposure to two years of comprehensiveinduction had a positive impact on retention or other teacher workforce outcomes. The following are appended:(1) Supplemental Information for Chapters II and III; (2) Supplemental Information for Chapter IV; (3)Sensitivity Analyses and Supplemental Information for Chapter V; and (4) Sensitivity Analyses and SupplementalInformation for Chapter VI.
Hahs-Vaughn, D., & Scherff, L. (2008). Beginning English teacher attrition, mobility, and retention. The Journalof Experimental Education, 77(1), 21-53. =EJ809609From the abstract: Although much research on teacher attrition and mobility exists, few researchers haveaddressed English teachers specifically. The present authors, using the 1999-2000 Schools and Staffing Survey(SASS) and the Teacher Follow-Up Survey (TFS; National Center for Education Statistics, 2005) examinedindividual and school characteristics and mentoring and induction activities that affect beginning Englishteachers' attrition, mobility, and retention. The results indicated that only salary was statisticallysignificantly related to increased odds of beginning English teachers' leaving the profession. No factorsrelated to decreased attrition. In terms of mobility, no teacher or school characteristics were associated withmigration (i.e., changing schools). Reviewing combined effects of mentoring and induction activities whencontrolling for teacher and school characteristics, the authors found that the results suggested none of theactivities were related to attrition and migration. (Contains 11 tables.)
Hong, Y., & Hong, G. (2013). Making sense of the "zero effect" of comprehensive teacher induction programs.Paper presented at the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness 2013 Spring Conference, Washington,D.C. =ED563315From the abstract: Teachers new to the profession may face various challenges and struggle with pedagogy andclassroom management. They tend to be less effective in boosting student learning than their more experiencedcolleagues (Murnane & Phillips, 1981; Raymond, Fletcher, & Luque, 2001; Rivkin, Hanusheck, & Kain, 2001). Sincethe early 1980s, there has been an increasing recognition of the importance of providing induction support informs of mentoring programs, workshops, orientation seminars, collaboration opportunities, and other supportsystems to new teachers in their initial years of teaching (Furtwengler, 1995). At the present time, 27 statesrequire some forms of induction or mentoring support for new teachers, 22 states mandate completion of orparticipation in an induction program for advanced teaching certification, and 17 states provide dedicatedfunding for teacher induction. While the general goal of teacher induction is to transform a student of teachinginto a competent teacher of students, many evaluations in the past have focused on program impacts on noviceteacher retention and professional well-being. Only a few studies have attended to instructional improvement asoutcomes (see reviews by Ingersoll & Strong, 2011; Strong, 2009; Wang, Odell, & Schwille, 2008). Most studies(Davis & Higdon, 2008; Evertson & Smithey, 2000; Stanulis & Floden, 2009; Thompson, Paek, Goe, & Ponte, 2004)have suggested that more intensive mentoring and support from university-trained mentors might be associatedwith a higher rate of using effective instructional practices among new teachers. Yet one study (Roehrig, Bohn,Turner, & Pressley, 2008) reported that new teachers regardless of induction intensity declined in their use ofeffective teaching practices over the first year. These evaluations have been mostly non-experimental orquasi-experimental with a relatively small sample size. In contrast, a large-scale randomized study funded bythe U.S. Department of Education and conducted by a research team from Mathematica Policy Research (Glazermanet. al, 2010) compared two prominent Comprehensive Teacher Induction (CTI) programs with standard district orschool support for more than one thousand new teachers. Although teachers in the treatment group experiencedmore intensive, structured, and sequenced mentoring activities from trained external mentors, they exhibitedsurprisingly similar teaching practices as those in the control group in the spring of the first year such thata zero effect of the CTI programs was concluded. Reanalyzing data from the comprehensive teacher inductionstudy, the authors aimed to unpack the zero effect of the CTI programs on teaching practices by closelyexamining the content and activities of mentoring as potential mediators of the induction program effects onteaching practices. The content of mentoring includes teaching planning and preparation, management of classroomenvironment, instructional content and pedagogy, and professional responsibilities. Key activities for menteesinclude keeping record and analysis of teaching and student learning, working with a study group of teachers,observing other teachers' teaching, and meeting with local instructional leaders. The following questions wereasked: (1) Did treatment teachers and control teachers have different experiences with mentoring content andactivities? (2) Did the differences in mentoring experiences mediate the program effect on teaching practices?(3) Was receiving mentoring from external mentors in the CTI programs as effective as receiving mentoring fromhome-based mentors under the control condition? Preliminary analysis indicated that treatment teachers andcontrol teachers had different experiences with mentoring content and activities. Clearly, beginning teachersassigned to the CTI programs tend to receive a higher dosage of induction content and a higher intensity ofmentoring activities. Therefore, we can rule out the second explanation for the zero effect of the CTI programsgiven that the treatment teachers displayed an equal or higher rate of participation than did the controlteachers. The authors did note that a higher level of participation rate in the treatment group apparently didnot lead to superiority in teaching practices in comparison with the control group. One would wonder, had thetreatment teachers participated in the CTI programs at a lower rate that becomes equal to the control teachers'participation rate in their local induction programs, whether the teaching practices of the treatment groupwould become inferior to that of the control group. Tables are appended.
Huling, L., Resta, V., & Yeargain, P. (2012). Supporting and retaining novice teachers. Kappa Delta Pi Record,48(3), 140-143. =EJ993449From the abstract: Novice teacher attrition has long been a concern among educators and policy makers who haveresponded with various types of induction and mentoring programs and increased efforts to recruit more teachers.Yet, these efforts have not created the stable work force needed to implement school reform efforts. The schoolstaffing challenge is further compounded by the fact that more than 50 percent of U.S. teachers and principalsare Baby Boomers who are expected to retire soon. These school staffing challenges have been on the horizon fora number of years and, in response, teacher educators in the Texas State University System have implemented andevaluated an innovative induction support model designed to increase teacher retention and to capitalize on theexpertise of newly retired master teachers. The Novice Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) was launched in 2002,and researchers have since tracked three cohorts of program participants (a total of 954 new teachers) intotheir fifth year of teaching. Retention research was completed in 2009, and results indicate that programparticipants have remained in the profession at higher rates than nonparticipants. Furthermore, reflections fromboth novice teachers and mentor teachers indicate that they not only greatly valued the experience as it wasoccurring, but also have continued to recognize its merits in subsequent years. Based on these researchfindings, NTIP is proving to be a promising induction support model that has great potential for use in otherschool districts across the nation. (Contains 3 tables and 1 figure.)
Ingersoll, R. & Strong, M. (2011). The impact of induction and mentoring programs for beginning teachers: Acritical review of the research. Review of Education Research, 81(2), 201-233. =EJ923890From the abstract: This review critically examines 15 empirical studies, conducted since the mid-1980s, on theeffects of support, guidance, and orientation programs--collectively known as induction--for beginning teachers.Most of the studies reviewed provide empirical support for the claim that support and assistance for beginningteachers have a positive impact on three sets of outcomes: teacher commitment and retention, teacher classroominstructional practices, and student achievement. Of the studies on commitment and retention, most showed thatbeginning teachers who participated in induction showed positive impacts. For classroom instructional practices,the majority of studies reviewed showed that beginning teachers who participated in some kind of inductionperformed better at various aspects of teaching, such as keeping students on task, using effective studentquestioning practices, adjusting classroom activities to meet students' interests, maintaining a positiveclassroom atmosphere, and demonstrating successful classroom management. For student achievement, almost all ofthe studies showed that students of beginning teachers who participated in induction had higher scores, orgains, on academic achievement tests. There were, however, exceptions to this overall pattern--in particular alarge randomized controlled trial of induction in a sample of large, urban, low-income schools--which found somesignificant positive effects on student achievement but no effects on either teacher retention or teachers'classroom practices. The review closes by attempting to reconcile these contradictory findings and byidentifying gaps in the research base and relevant questions that have not been addressed and warrant furtherresearch. (Contains 1 note, 1 table and 1 figure.)li>Smith, T. (2007). How do state-level induction and standards-based reform policies affect induction experiencesand turnover among new teachers? American Journal of Education, 113(2), 273-309. =EJ750320From the abstract: Since the early 1980s, states have been increasingly active in setting policies thatstructure the initiation or "induction" of new teachers into teaching. This article uses the Schools andStaffing Survey merged with state-level data collected for "Education Week's" "Quality Counts" reports toexamine the impact of state policy on beginning teacher turnover. States that mandate participation in inductionprograms tend to have more beginning teachers mentored, although state-level funding for these programs is notassociated with increased mentorship. Requiring that beginning teachers and their mentors be matched by subject,grade, or school does not appear to ensure such a match, although states that have this requirement do havementorship programs that are more effective at reducing turnover. Finally, states with stronger standards,assessments, and accountability systems have lower turnover among beginning teachers.
What Works Clearinghouse. (2009) WWC quick review of the report "Impacts of comprehensive teacher induction:Results from the first year of a randomized controlled study". Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education. =ED505496From the abstract: The selected study examined the effects of com