Bris ((NEW))
At the neonatal stage, the inner preputial epithelium is still linked with the surface of the glans.[49]The mitzvah is executed only when this epithelium is either removed, or permanently peeled back to uncover the glans.[50]On medical circumcisions performed by surgeons, the epithelium is removed along with the foreskin,[51] to prevent post operative penile adhesion and its complications.[52]However, on ritual circumcisions performed by a mohel, the epithelium is most commonly peeled off only after the foreskin has been amputated. This procedure is called priah (Hebrew: פריעה), which means: 'uncovering'. The main goal of "priah" (also known as "bris periah"), is to remove as much of the inner layer of the foreskin as possible and prevent the movement of the shaft skin, what creates the look and function of what is known as a "low and tight" circumcision.[53]
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Before the ceremony, the baby is usually placed on a large pillow and carried into the room where the circumcision will take place. In some families and communities it is considered a great honor to carry a baby to his bris, and parents choose someone (or more than one person) special in their lives for this job.
Yes, there are many bris customs, including the Shalom Zakhar, a festive meal the Friday night before the bris, having a minyan (a quorum of 10 adult Jews) present and setting aside a chair for the prophet Elijah.
Your son's bris should not be something you are afraid of and it should not be something you and your family do not understand. Everything that I say in Hebrew, I completely translate into English. Everyone present, whether Jewish or of any other background, will understand what is going on. Hopefully everyone will feel moved. The only one I don't want feeling anything is your son -- consequently I make the bris as painfree as possible!
The mitzvah of brit milah is so central to Jewish tradition that one is required to perform the ceremony even if the eighth day falls on Shabbat or a holiday (even Yom Kippur). Considering the strict rules of Shabbat observance this is amazing! The exceptions to holding a Shabbat or Yom Tov brit milah are in the cases of births at twilight or births by voluntary C-section. In these situations the brit milah is held on the ninth day. And of course, a bris would be delayed if the newborn boy is sick. In that case medical need takes priority over brit milah and the child has a bris when the doctor says he is healthy enough to do it.
A brit milah is often held in the home of the proud family. Sometimes it is held at the synagogue or another location conducive to such an important religious event. It is recommended that one call the mohel as soon as possible after the birth of a healthy son so that you can schedule the bris with the mohel (or mohelet). The mohalim in our area are fully capable of doing the entire service themselves. However, if you would like Rabbi Warner to participate in your simchah (joyous occasion), she is often able to coordinate with the mohel of your choice.
A bris is the ceremony of circumcision for Jewish boys performed when they are eight days old. Bris is the Yiddish term and remains in very common use; in Hebrew the ceremony is known as Brit Milah, the covenant of circumcision. The origin is found in Genesis 17:9-14:
In accordance with Genesis 17:12, the bris takes place on the eighth day after birth, but can be postponed if it is contraindicated by any medical problems. It can take place in the synagogue or at home. Often the procedure is done in the hospital and the ceremony conducted separately.
Traditionally, it is the parents of the baby who give out the honors at the bris. Both men and women are included in the ceremony. I recommend that parents distribute select honors in a meaningful way, rather than pass the baby around just to include a lot of people.
The honor of bringing the baby into the room at the beginning of the ceremony and/or taking him out at the end of the ceremony is usually given to the grandmothers of the baby. Or, the honor may be given to a couple who have been married for a number of years, who have been trying to have a baby and have not yet been successful. If this is the first boy for the parents, the paternal grandfather of the baby holds for the bris and the maternal grandfather of the baby holds for the Naming portion of the ceremony. (If one grandfather has already served as a sandak previously, he can defer to the other grandfather.) Placing the baby on the Chair of Elijah and carrying him from Elijah's chair are honors that can be given to other relatives. There are many more permutations and possibilities (older siblings, stepparents, great-grandparents, etc.), so the best thing to do is prepare a list of those people whom you would like to include in the ceremony. The mohel can help you decide the best way to distribute the honors.
The person/people who take the baby from his parents and carry him into the room where the bris will take place. After the bris, the kvatter/kvatters brings the baby back to his parents. This role is considered an important honor and is assigned to family members or loved ones.
The sandek was traditionally the person who held the baby on his lap while the mohel performed the bris. These days most parents prefer that their baby boy is placed on a sturdy table, for obvious reasons, with the sandek standing close by. Being the sandek is considered the greatest honor at a bris. 041b061a72