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Ethan Gonzalez
Ethan Gonzalez

Motion Graphic Design: Applied History And Aest...

Advanced study of basic visual communication design including typography, layout, illustration, graphic reproduction processes, rough art, finished art, camera-ready art, and digital art applied to specific design projects. Lab fee.

Motion Graphic Design: Applied History and Aest...

Prerequisites: pre-calculus, PHYS 10164 or PHYS 20484 or 20485 or permission of instructor. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour lab per week. This course will explore the fundamental lows and natural processes related to the mechanics, biophysics, and biochemistry of the human body. It is designed for pre-health, kinesiology, biology nursing and physics students who want to understand the foundations and biophysical principles that govern human life. The course will focus on the science of physiological processes from simple mechanical motion, breathing, blood flow and oxygen exchange to vision, neuronal processes and the basics of genetics and proteomics. The biophysical elements of human function and human development in the context of environmental influences and live adaptation will be discussed. The evolution of approaches to understanding physiological functions as it has been governed by modern scientific developments will be briefly discusses. The course will also provide a simple understanding of recent technologies that have been applied to the study of physiological processes like muscle contraction, blood transport, cell function, neuronal processing, and DNA replication.

Utilizing the textual and archaeological evidence, this course introduces students to the lands, cultures, and peoples associated with the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Qur'an. Geographically, the lands of the Bible encompass what is often referred to as the Cradle of Civilization or Fertile Crescent - an arc-shaped region defined by the Nile, Jordan, Tigris and Euphrates river valleys. Today this crescent includes the modern countries and regions of Egypt, Israel, the Palestinian territories, Jordan, Syria, southeastern Turkey, and Iraq. Spanning ten millennia of history (ca. 9000 BCE-750 CE), this course explores a series of landmarks in the history of human development, which are considered together with Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. These include the birth of religion and the agricultural revolution (Garden of Eden), the first cities and the invention of writing (Tower of Babel; Patriarchal/Matriarch traditions), Egyptian imperial rule in Canaan (Exodus), the collapse of the Bronze Age (Emergence of Israel), impact of empire (united and divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah), Alexander the Great and the Roman imperial expansion to the east (world of Jesus and development of rabbinic Judaism), Byzantine Palestine (expansion of Christianity), and the Islamic conquest of the Holy Land. Through an integration of numerous disciplines, including historical geography, archaeology, ancient history, biblical studies, epigraphy, and anthropology, students will investigate the interaction between the cultures of the ancient Near East and the religious traditions that developed in the lands associated with the Bible, a relationship that continues to shape the region and the world until today.

History of the Ancient Near East from the end of the Neolithic to the Hellenistic period. CAMS 105 History of the Ancient Near East (3) (GH;IL)(BA) This course meets the Bachelor of Arts degree requirements. The objective of this course is to introduce the student to the history of Ancient Near Eastern societies. The geographic areas to be covered include Mesopotamia, Iran, Anatolia, Syro-Palestine, and Egypt. This course will stress the variegated nature of civilizations in those geographic areas and focus on the written texts and material culture through which we can reconstruct the history of the Ancient Near East. This course complements similar introductory courses in ancient Mediterranean history and civilizations. This course satisfies major and minor requirements for programs of study in the Dept. of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies. A special emphasis will be placed on those aspects that permit us to relate to the seemingly arcane mechanisms lying behind the social, religious, and political interactions which characterize the history of these civilizations, especially ideology, economy, and propaganda. Major figures and events will be presented as being as symptomatic of cultural or political trends.

This course aims at providing students with a thorough understanding of the role played by writing systems in the development of civilizations and the articulation of polities. The emphasis will be placed on historical, cultural, economic & religious matters. In order to fully comprehend the nature of these issues, the lion's share of the course will focus on the functions & the development of early writing in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Americas. Additional attention will be given to the history of early writing systems. We will examine how the writing systems in the Near East and East Asia originated and developed orthographic strategies & conventions to record the linguistic realities for which they were designed; what processes & mechanisms facilitated the creation of the first alphabet in the Ancient Near East; how modern scholars have been able to decipher scripts lost long ago (such as Egyptian hieroglyphs & Mesopotamian cuneiform), and how some decipherment processes are advancing & improving our knowledge of other civilizations (such as Maya hieroglyphs). The study of the social & cultural aspects of writing will be grounded in a diachronic approach. In that regard, the course will engage with a variety of historical concerns: the possible reasons for which certain cultures may have started to use writing for bureaucratic & economic reasons, whereas others (such as early China) would seem to have started to use it for rather more symbolic realms of life; and the relation between writing, identity, and script in different areas.

The Old Testament (or, Hebrew Bible) is the record of the interaction between the people of ancient Israel and their God. As a religious text, the Bible is inextricably intertwined with the cultures of Israel's neighbors, including the Canaanites, Syrians, Greeks, Assyrians, Babylonians, Arabs, Egyptians, and the peoples of the eastern desert. To study the Hebrew Bible and its development during the first millennium BCE is to study the history, culture, and literature of the entire region. This course introduces students to the literature of ancient Israel, its rituals, the stories which established a people's identity, and which defined their moral behavior. Great figures of the texts, such as Moses, David, Solomon, Bathsheba, Ruth, Jeremiah, Daniel, and Ezra, teach us important lessons about life and how people of faith attempted to relate to one another, to God, and to people outside their ethnic group. Students will read from the biblical text, as well as from secondary source readings which contains scholarly opinion from a variety of sources. Recent archaeological and epigraphical studies will be incorporated into the course to enhance our work. The ultimate goal will be to assess the meaning of the texts in their ancient Near Eastern environment; to understand the development of Hebrew religion and the beginnings of Rabbinic Judaism; and to understand the connection between biblical studies and other fields of study, such as History, Religious Studies, Archeology, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature.

Although Jesus of Nazareth is the object of Christian devotion, he was not a Christian himself, but a pious Jew. What can be known about the historical figure of Jesus the Palestinian Jew? How would his teachings and actions have fit in the context of Judaism of his day, in the Greco-Roman world? What did he mean when he proclaimed the coming kingdom of God? Because almost all of our source material espouses Jesus as the Christ of Christian faith, the first step is to understand the aims and perspectives of these Christian sources, including the canonical Gospels as well as non-canonical Gospels. Through careful examination of these sources in light of critical scholarship and the social and historical context of Judaism in the Greco-Roman world, we will consider how much the historian is able to reconstruct of Jesus using historical method, what the limits of this investigation are, and how relevant the task is. We will consider and evaluate a few of the different scholarly reconstructions of the historical Jesus. Major emphases will include the historical, social, religious, political, and cultural contexts of Jesus, including important precursors; the political, institutional, and cultural history of the teachings and actions of Jesus in their Jewish setting, and how these are reinterpreted by his followers after his death. Attention will be paid to the development of variant Christian traditions about Jesus including Jesus as Messiah, his death as a saving event, the resurrection as exaltation of Jesus as Lord, the memorialization of Jesus in Christian ritual practice, and the cultural and religious impact of Jesus throughout history. In addition to the early Christian sources on Jesus (especially the canonical Gospels, but also other New Testament texts and non-canonical writings), on each topic students will read selections from early Jewish writings in order to illuminate the cultural context. These include the Dead Sea Scrolls, Philo, Josephus, Jewish texts among the so-called Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, early rabbinic texts, and epigraphical writings. Relevant archeological evidence and Greco-Roman sources will also be considered. Broader issues of historical, cultural, linguistic, political and geographical context will be covered in lectures and secondary readings.

This course provides an introduction to the history of Christianity. It traces, specifically, the development of the Christian movement from its beginnings as a small Jewish sect in Jerusalem to its unlikely emergence as the religion of the Roman Empire and, finally, its subsequent spread and development in Europe, Asia, and Africa. In form and structure, the course is historical, following figures and events in a more or less chronological sequence and taking up questions of causality, influence, and social identity. Yet the course is also concerned with the ideas, concepts, and philosophical viewpoints that have shaped Christianity and given it a certain intellectual coherence over time. The course begins with first-century construals of messianic identity and also with the figure of Jesus, as he was portrayed in the New Testament gospels. It then follows the first generations of the Christian movement, considering it within the context of first-century Judaism and the early Roman empire. Topics include persecution, martyrdom, and the important contributions of Origen. The middle section of the course looks at the second, third, and fourth centuries through three lenses, as it were: the office of bishop, the rise of monasticism, and the realities of empire. Bishops, monks, and emperors all shaped Christianity in essential ways, creating a rich and complicated spiritual, moral, theological, intellectual, and geo-political legacy for generations to come. The final third of the course looks at the development of Christianity beyond the fourth century in geographical groupings including churches in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, western Europe, Byzantium, and the Slavic lands. It is hoped, in all of this, that students will gain an understanding not only of Christian history but also of what made - and what makes - Christianity a distinctive and influential religion. 041b061a72


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